Chair Massage

Chair massage is a form of massage therapy that is performed while the client is fully clothed and seated upright. It’s different from a table massage in few important ways.

The massage chair is designed for the client to rest forward slightly, with their arms and legs supported. A face cradle supports the client’s head. The massage therapist works muscles and knots through the client’s clothes, and so lotion or oil is not used. Though occasionally, the therapist may use some lotion on the neck or forearms/hands. 

Chair massage is a much more portable way of bringing massage to clients. For this reason, chair massage is popular at events, trade shows, conventions, conferences, and other big events.

The Benefits

3 easy step

How It works?

01 Meeting


Filling information

02 Treatment


Massage upper body such as head, neck, arms, hands and back

03 Finalizing


You will get more energy and can back to work right away.