Swedish Massage

The Swedish massage is one of the most common types of massages you can get. It is performed to energize the body and improve overall health. This type of massage involves actions like percussion, kneading, vibration, tapping and rolling. Massage oil or lotion is used to protect the skin from friction. 

Massage is widely used as complementary treatment for many different conditions. The physiological and psychological benefits of massages are countless. Massage therapy is not only helpful to people dealing with health conditions, it is also recommended for physically fit and healthy individuals. A Swedish massage will help you feel great, whether you have aches and pains or simply want to unwind. 

The Benefits

  • Massages are a great way to relax and unwind. A massage involves manipulating the muscles and joints to relieve stress or pain. This is achieved by relaxing tight muscles and promoting blood circulation.
  • Getting a Swedish massage can also be beneficial to your heart.
  • Swedish massage may help reduce symptoms of depression, stress, and anxiety. Some of the symptoms that could be managed by massage therapy include back pains, headaches, muscle issues and other chronic pains.
  • Massages are also associated with boosting immunity. This can help you in managing conditions like the common cold, asthma, diabetes, and breast cancer.
  • In addition to the positive heath impacts mentioned above, getting a Swedish massage may also have the following benefits:

3 easy step

How It works?

01 Meeting


Filling information. Undress and lay down on the table with covering sheet and blanket.

02 Treatment


We will put the oil, lotion or cream on your skin. Then we massage head to toe if you want to get full body massage. We will use different massage techniques and moderate pressures as your needs.

03 Finalizing


We will put the warm towels at your feet and back after finishing massage.